We are Ballywillan Presbyterian Church
We work to know Christ and Lovingly to make Him known.
Welcome to Ballywillan
Registered Charity in Northern Ireland (NIC 105543)
Ballywillan Presbyterian Church is a church situated just on the outskirts of Portrush in County Antrim. We
have a
live webcast of our service every Sunday morning as well as an archive of our past sermons.
More information about the church can be found in the sections below:
The Church Office will be open on Monday to Thursday mornings each week from 9.00am to 12.30pm. Contact can be made at all times by telephone 70822612 or by e-mail to the office address: [email protected]. This website for the Church is updated on a regular basis and all immediate and important information will be detailed here.
ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THE BULLETIN AND WEBSITE: All announcements that are to be included in the Bulletin and placed on the website must be with the Church Office early on Thursday mornings (by 10.00am at the latest).
POSTED ON Thursday 23rd January 2025: The Bulletin for the 10.30am Morning Service on Sunday 26th January is now available on this website. This Service will be led by Rev Stuart Morrow.
Freewill offering envelopes should be placed in the baskets in the Link or Vestibule. Tea, coffee and biscuits are available in the Link after each Service. Every Sunday morning the Prayer Ministry Team will be available in The Frazer Room from 11.30am to 12.00 noon to pray with you in person. If you are not in church during that time you can either call or text on 07927292336.
JAM and BREAD and BIBLE CLASS: these Sunday morning programmes for our children and young people take place during the Service when the children move from the Church to the Main Hall.
SIGNING THE CALL: There will be a further opportunity this Sunday to sign copies of the call to be issued to Rev G A (Gordy) McCracken. These will be available in the Vestibile, the Link and on the Lectern.
MESSY CHURCH IS BACK! We'd love you to join THIS Sunday 26th January from 3:30-6.00pm. We have lots of fun activities, crafts,songs, and much more planned as we explore who Jesus is through the "I Am" statements in John. If you would like to sign up or find out more information, please contact Chris or follow the link: https://forms.gle/zQwszxwuarMxNDEi8
MTT (More than This): the youth group will meet at 7.30pm on Sunday evening in the Youth Room. New members always welcome to join us!
BOWLING CLUB: meets on Monday and Wednesday evenings at 7.00pm.New members welcome!
GIRLS BRIGADE COMPANY SECTION: meet on Tuesday evening at 6.30pm.
LADIES FRIENDSHIP GROUP: The Ladies Friendship Group will meet again on Tuesday 28th January 2025 at 2.00pm in the Youth Room. We look forward to welcoming all ladies and do feel free to bring a friend. Tea/coffee will be provide
CONNECT AND STUDY GROUP: will meet on Tuesday 28th January at 7.30pm in the Lodge Hotel. Everyone welcome to join us!
COFFEE MORNING: on Wednesday morning at 10.30am. We would encourage folk (of any age!) to join us in the link. It's a really informal get together and we'd love to welcome you! If you would like to come, but transport is a problem, please let the church office know and we will try to assist.
WELLNESS HUB: meets on Wednesday from 11.00am to 1.00pm.
BACK TO BASICS: the group will meet on Wednesday evening at 7.30pm in The Frazer Room. Everyone welcome to join us!
MEN'S FELLOWSHIP: will meet at 10.30am on Thursday 30th January when Gerry McAleese will give a talk on "The History of Golf in Portrush". New members always welcome to join us!!
CONGREGATIONAL BIBLE READING: Week beginning Sunday 19th January 2025: this week are Immerse Kingdoms (IK) p 237-248 or 2 Kings Ch 8 v 25 to the end of Ch 14. An audio version is at weeks 14 and 15, days 69 to 72 of immersebible.com/kingdoms-16-week No accounting of this money was required from the construction supervisors, because they were honest and trustworthy (IK244; 2 Kings Ch 12v15 peterlewis.cornerstonechurch.org.uk/bible/11/1-kings/ are two related sermons by Peter Lewis, one based on 2 Kings Ch 12; IK244-245 and one on Ch 14; IK247-248.
Week beginning Sunday 26th January 2025: Immerse Kingdoms (IK) p 248-260 or 2 Kings Chs 15 to 19. An audio version is at weeks 15 and 16, days 73 to 76 of immersebible.com/kingdoms-16-week The LORD...says: "But have you not heard?I decided this long ago. Long ago I planned it,and now I am:making it happen." (IK258-259; 2 Kings Ch 19 v 20, 25). At/peterlewis.cornerstonechurch.org.uk/bible/11/1-kings/ are four related sermons by Peter Lewis, covering all the chapters of this week's readings.
FAMILY FUN QUIZ and SUPPER: on Friday 7th February in the Church Hall. We would love you to bring your friends and family for a Quiz Night on Friday 7th February at 7.30 pm in the Main Hall. A light supper will also be provided. For more information please contact Chris Cunningham.
THOMPSON HOUSE DONATIONS: Thank you to everyone for your gifts to Thompson House. If you would like to donate any non-food items such as shower gel, shaving foam, socks etc, please put these into the box in Link
"COME DINE WITH ME": takes place on the 3rd Sunday of each month. In February the lunch will take place on Sunday 16th February at 12.30p in the Royal Court Hotel. Everyone welcome to attend!
CHURCH MISSION STATEMENT AND PLAN 2023 - 2028: Session have updated the Church Action Plan for the next 5 years. This can be found under the title ABOUT US: WHAT WE BELIEVE.
DAILY BREAD Bible Reading Notes - We encourage everyone to read the Bible regularly. Bible reading notes are available to help with this and these can be ordered through the Church Office.
BALLYWILLAN YOUTH & FAMILY: for all our latest youth and family updates check out Ballywillan Youth on these links: Facebook and Instagram. On this page, you can also click on the Youth and Family button, which is on the right on a desktop and at the bottom of the page on mobile, for all relevant details.
Chris Cunningham is our Youth and Family Worker and he can be contacted at [email protected] or by phone 028 7044 4841.
350 Years of Ministry
The book "To lovingly make known .... Ballywillan Presbyterian Church from 1661" has been produced to celebrate 350 years of ministry in the church.
Copies to purchase are available in the Church vestibule and in the Link or by contacting the church office.
Services this week
Sunday, 26th January 2025 Service
10:30am - Sunday Morning Service