Prayer Group

It seems that when you read the history of any revival, it starts when God’s people are serious and persistent in prayer. This is not to say that we can make revival happen – rather in prayer we become open to and sensitive to God’s will for us. When that happens then our desire is not to do our own thing. Instead we want to be part of what God is doing. This was certainly the case in the early church. As we read through the Book of Acts, it is striking how many times Luke records that people were gathered together in prayer. As people opened their hearts to God in prayer, He did great things among them and through them.

In many ways, our relationship with God is like other relationships – and communication is so important. It is amazing that God has given us the gift of prayer, so that we may communicate with Him. As we pray we come to know Him and know Him better. In our congregation, we have different  opportunities for prayer. Each day, many, many people pray on their own as they seek God’s will for their own lives as well as for our congregation. This is vital to each of us. There are also groups of prayer partners who regularly meet to pray with and for each other and also to pray for the life and witness of our congregation. These partnerships are a real source of encouragement for those involved. If you are not in one, please speak to one of our elders.

We also meet on other occasions. On Sunday mornings we meet at 9am in the Octagon to pray for all that happens here on a Sunday. On the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month we meet in the Octagon from 7.30 – 8.30 pm.

These are simply opportunities that we have created here to come together to pray. However the important thing is that we actually do pray, so please do join with us.

Also, if you have prayer requests, please give them either to an elder or pass them on to the Church Office.